Here is a list of objectives which might be sought as a result of the time, money, and effort a company expends on a period of public celebration. That means your company is celebrating a company birthday, or the anniversary of a founding or incorporation date. These events form the most common basis for company celebrations.
You want your celebration to
1. Focus favorable public attention on the (company) name and organization.
2. Stimulate the friendliest possible attitude on the part of
the public toward the (company) name and organization.
3. Emphasize the present and future rather than the past.
4. Include improvement of things we already have or do.
5. Enhance community interest in and support of our local
6. Broaden services to the customer beyond the expected meeting of basic needs.
7. Further recognition of the (company's) contribution to
the community and its participation in community activities.
8. Increase the employees' pride in their company, thus making them a more potent force in relation to (company)
9. Leave a lasting favorable impression on the community.
10. Be modest in cost.
11. Increase the efficiency with which this company performs
its primary task {e.g., selling, caring for the sick, distributing news, making concrete mixers, managing estates, or
12. Create closer working relationships with various community organizations.
13. Celebrate the anniversary (or observance period) in such a way as to make the public feel that they are participating in the celebration.
14. Include (company) acceptance of responsibility for active leadership in outside activities and functions which promote general community welfare.
15. Create local and even national awareness that (company) has been in existence (business) (so many) years.
16. Contain a direct benefit or potential benefit for company
customers, potential customers, and/or the community at
17. Increase sales (i.e., expand customer acceptance of, and
awaken new-customer interest in, the company and its
goods, products, services, and thereby achieve a substantial increase in volume).
18. Contribute toward telling the public why it should deal with this particular company rather than with some other similar local establishment, institution, or organization.
19. Express appreciation to our various publics, and to the city, county, and state in which the company has grown and expanded.
20. Create the feeling that this is a down-to-earth organization, interested in people as well as in big business deals.
21. Launch, and create favorable public acceptance for, a new product, model, package, service.
22. Hold and increase stockholders' confidence.
Every activity or event considered for inclusion in the final anniversary celebration package, and every responsibility assumed in connection therewith, should be scrutinized closely in the light of whatever goals finally are chosen from, or developed from, the above (or any other) list.
Whatever goals or objectives are selected or created should be clearly stated in any blueprint for action and should be treated as key factors in the establishment of any specific activity touching anniversary observance.
Duration of the celebration
The duration of a celebration may be influenced by many considerations, but a great deal of leeway exists.
A company is perfectly free to do nothing at all right up to the Anniversary Month or the Birthday Week and then cut loose. Or it can wait until the actual anniversary date and make a splash.
There are three generally popular time spans:
a. A year-long observance, with special emphasis during the
Anniversary Month..
b. A six-month observance so planned that, if successful or desirable, it can be presented twice in a year.
c. A period of several months, naturally including the birthday
month and week and day, with events spaced throughout. This
avoids the strain of a year-long effort on the one hand, and, on
the other, the numbing effect of a couple of weeks jammed with
anniversary events.
Regardless of the period selected, pace your events carefully. Space the big ones - and see that they get progressively bigger right to the end - and introduce smaller ones in between to maintain public interest.
Consider your objectives and the time-scale of your celebrations and you no doubt will run a successful campaign.